Amazing water drop

"Amazing water drop" is the theme of this project. Water is essential for all life - we need water for drinking, washing, cooking and … swimming, fishing, sailing and skiing. We can examine some of water issues in the context of the classroom, for example: the water pollutions, the concept of the water cycle, dissolving in water etc. For this project, the children of both schools collaborated in writing story about the travels of a raindrop, using their imagination, their knowledge of computers and environmental issues related to water.

All photos and videos on "Amazing water drop" website by Dominika Giezek, Marie Šturmová, Bogdana Catinean, Paul Vadeanu. All rights reserved.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

The travels of a raindrop (activities 6-8)

Today students compared their incoming knowledge with final knowledge. They drew a story about the travel of a rain drop. They created a board game with cards - questions which test knowledge about water.

Dziś tworzyliśmy historię na temat wędrującej kropli wody, z wykorzystaniem zgromadzonej dotychczas wiedzy. Projektowaliśmy także grę planszową z kartami – pytaniami, które utrwalają wiedzę na temat wody.

Dominika Giezek